It has been well over a year since I've updated this blog and it has been quite the year. I graduated this last May with my MA in English Literature. The last year was a whirlwind of reading lists, comprehensive exams, applications to MFA programs, and thesis writing. Currently, I am pursuing my MFA in Fiction Writing at New England College. I'm in their low-residency program and it has been just about the best experience of my whole life. I attended my first residency this past month: ten whole days of full on writing community and workshops. My fellow writers in the program already have such a place in my heart after only a week and a half. Now, I've returned to my home in TN and am left to my own devices to complete my new writing and reading lists devised in conjunction with my mentor during the residency. Motivation is fleeting and I have to take advantage of my moods to read and write effectively. I'm a mood writer and a mood reader so deadlines are not my friend at all, but I'm pushing through with the help of some of my peers. I'm so pleased to be in an environment where community is felt across the nation. I speak daily to my fellow writers that live in New Hampshire, Oregon, Idaho, Texas, and more. I am already anticipating my residency in January!
I also am beginning a new job at a private university near where I live in August. I'll be teaching composition courses as well as remedial writing courses. I am stoked to finally be taking on a university teaching position that isn't just a position given to me as a graduate student. However, I still will have a bit of that! I am also teaching online composition courses for New England College! I have quite a full load ahead of me, but I am truly hoping that does not stop me from writing for this blog quite a lot more.
I am reading ferociously and you can check out what I'm reading on the sidebar with all my Goodreads information! I'll be coming at you soon with some new book reviews and all of my unsolicited thoughts.
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